Samsung has announced the Galaxy Z Fold 3 which offers an improved 50MP main camera, a sturdier display, slimmer hinge and narrower bezels. And it offers a new taskbar along with better multitasking.
The Galaxy Z Fold 3 is best foldable phone yet, with a more durable design and S Pen support, and the multitasking features are even better. You need a case to store the stylus and the cameras are not upgraded, but overall the Galaxy Z Fold 3 is a great choice for power users.
One of the lingering concerns of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold series is their durability, particularly given the relatively fragile nature of its foldable display. Of course, these concerns were exacerbated by the galaxy which had to be aborted because of multiple display failures in the hands of early reviewers. Since then, Samsung has been working hard to improve the battered image of the device by making it tougher with each subsequent generation.
Samsung says the new Eco OLED panel is able to achieve this by eliminating the need for a polarizer, which is normally required to help minimize reflections. To do this, Samsung has employed a new pixel structure that effectively does the same job. With light no longer needing to be passed through this additional layer, Samsung has been able to achieve significant energy savings. Fewer plastic components also makes it more environmentally friendly.
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